I'm still going to talk about my cruise. A lot. I promise I will. Because it was a spectacular week and a spectacular vacation and I met some amazing people (Hint: Bob Iger, Tom Staggs, Karl Holz, Tom Wolber, John Lasseter, etc.) and it completely changed my perspective on life and my future and my career and I also got a really nice tan.
BUT... I came home and immediately slipped back into school-is-trying-to-brutally-murder-me mode. And for the past week and a half, I have been trying really hard not to succumb to the dirty, dirty ploys of my professors and their grade books.
As of today, I am happy to say that:
1) There are four weeks left of the semester.
2) I got an A on the midterm paper that I thought I bombed. My professor spent the entire class about how he was horrified that he was going to have to give his 300-level class full of English majors a lesson on grammatical structure, and then I got my paper back and it was an A, and I'm pretty sure my professor and I are soulmates and I finally have the courage I need to ask him for my recommendation to study abroad next spring, so that's getting done on Thursday.
3) I've been having some major issues with my school's academic advising office about the CP. They basically look at me as if I have three and a half heads whenever I venture into the office to talk to them about it, and they've become convinced that there is no possible way that I could do the program and remain enrolled in school full-time. So in their view, I would have to withdraw for a semester and lose my financial aid and my health insurance and all that fun stuff. But because it would be an absolute novelty if any departments in my school communicated with each other at all, the office of advising did not know about the career development center's off-campus internship program, which will get me an entire semester's worth of credits. So I'm going to their office and getting all that squared away tomorrow and it will be fabulous.
4) I applied for about 15 summer internships today. Let's backtrack a bit... I was all but promised a summer internship in development at a rather large network based in Manhattan... I, stupidly, stopped my search, convinced that I already had a position for the summer, when... HAHAH JUST KIDDING, THERE IS NO INTERNSHIP FOR ME. So, all of the major network internships are already filled. Great. But I applied to a few at some production companies in the city. Within a half hour of filling out an application, I was already e-mailed by the hiring manager of a pretty major international theatrical production company based in the Village. Not counting my chickens before they're hatched again, but this is looking good...
5) Finally... I FOUND ROOMMATES! Well, a roommate and an apartment mate, and I don't want to say too much about it yet, because it was literally finalized about an hour ago, but I think we will get along very, amazingly, extremely nicely. We're going for Chatham, methinks. And that's fine and dandy by me. I have a group of D-fam friends who are over 21 and going non-wellness who will be aiming to live in building 27 in Chatham, and it's my goal to be their neighbors. If all goes as planned, I will be surrounded by spectacular people at all times. Even if all doesn't go as planned, how could I not be surrounded by spectacular people always? I'll be in Disney!
Anyway, I have a term paper to write. I promise there will be cruise details soon. And also cute CP preparation things. As soon as I can inch my head from outside of this pile of books and breathe again.
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