Because if rumors are true, we have exactly one month until Fall 2012 DCP applications open.
Allow me to direct your attention toward the shiny new ticker I have on the right hand side of this page. Convenient! Because... One. Month.
Gotta start on my premature phone interview prep...
Relevent? Eh. But it was on my computer and it's cute.
In other unimportant news, my grades for this past semester came in...3.75! And Dean's List for the first time ever in my college career (freshman year was full of personal horibleness... that's not a word). So, while I'm completely ecstatic, I'd be way more ecstatic if I had a 3.76. Here's why...
The reason, in WDWCP Land, that I'm not applying for Fall Advantage is because I'm looking to apply for a very specific, very competitive internship for Summer 2012. If I told you what it was, it would ruin all the fun, so I'm not gonna tell you. But I'm from New York City and I want to work in television production and so everything is really local and convenient and it just makes me want it... really bad. So bad, in fact, that I'm willing to give up three extra months of living/working/learning in WDW for it. But this internship requires a very specific GPA... and as of this semester, my GPA is .02 points under par. POINT ZERO TWO POINTS. That's like... what, one fifth of a point? Two hundredths? I don't know; English major.
Anyway, I got an A- in a very subjective, very hipster-y acting class. I worked really hard in the department all semester, and I felt that I should have received an A, but my prof was all hip and alternative and "no one gets an A because there's always room for improvement blahblahblah..." But if I had that A... I'd get another point or so on my GPA and be qualified for my super special secret selective internship. Do I contest my grade? Do I beg my professor to just, out of the goodness of her pure-blooded actor's heart, bump me up a half-letter grade? Do I forget about it and apply anyway .02 points under the requirement, and then cry hysterically for the rest of my life when I don't get it? I should be following my dreams, right? But I can't be obnoxious about it... can I?
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