Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Planet Orlando!

This past week (or two? I don't even know what day it is anymore) have been the epitome of insanity. I no longer know how to breathe properly. On the same day, I started a full-time job (temporary, for the winter) and a work-from-home internship. And I realized I set far too many goals for myself to accomplish over this break, and I don't really know what oxygen is anymore because I haven't had time to breathe. WHEW. Anyway.

Applications come out in... how many days, twelve? Less than two weeks? Unreal. So excited. Dying of excitement and pixie dust and happiness and joy. I've been talking to some of the people on the Facebook group for Fall '12, and everyone is SO nice and funny and fantastic, and we all have so much in common (seriously, it blows my mind that there are other people in the world that have Eye-To-Eye from The Goofy Movie as their ringtone...BLOWS. MY. MIND.). And we all have to be accepted, because if we're not all down in Disney World come next August, I'll be devastated.

In between work and more work and more work and trying to make time for my friends and family, I saw The Book of Mormon on Broadway on Saturday. Tickets are like, impossible to get, so I really have to thank my aunt -- who undeservingly spoils me rotton -- for somehow finding someway to get me two tickets for Christmas. I took my friend from school to her first B'way show. Met the entire cast after it was over. It was fabulous. Amazing. Incredible.

My friend Sarah, and I with Andrew Rannells who plays Elder Kevin Price in The Book of Mormon
 He may or may not also believe that the Garden of Eden is in Jackson County, Missouri


Aside from bragging about my weekend, this is relevent. I promise. Because, if you are unfamiliar with Mormon missionaries (as I was...and probably still am), young Mormon men (maybe women too?) have to go on two-year missions all over the world to spread the news of the third book in the bible and try to convert new recruits and stuff ("God loves mormons and he wants so more!"). Anyway, Elder Price REALLY wants to go to Orlando, Florida for his mission. He also wants his heaven, or his own personal eternal planet, to be Planet Orlando. Hence the super witty title of my super witty post.

In Orlando, there is "Sea World and Disney and Putt-Putt golfing!" Instead, he gets sent to AIDs-riddled Uganda. Whatevs. God wants what he wants, I guess. But there are so many Orlando/Disney reference throughout the show. I was crying with hysterical laughter the entire time. And no one was even looking at me funny, because they were all laughing too.

So if you're a diehard Disney fan who really, really enjoys terribly offensive, ridiculous, dirty, raunchy, should-be-illegal hysterical humor (and there aren't many of us... but we do exist!), and you're going to be in New York anytime over the next... eh.. like, ten years... because this thing is NEVER gonna close... and you can somehow, come across a ticket... GO SEE THIS SHOW. You will never be the same again.

Anyway, twelve-ish days until I can apply to be on my very own Planet Orlando for a semester... Hopefully I won't end up in Uganda instead. 

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