I’ve been in the library for about 75% of my day. Amount of work accomplished: None. But I did discover that the author of the Bridget Jones series (the brilliant Helen Fielding) has been tweeting in Bridget’s voice. That let me to finding out that there is currently a third book and movie in production. Then I was watching videos of Collin Firth as Mr. Darcy (both Fitzwilliam and Mark) on YouTube for a couple of hours. So, obviously we know where all of my free time has been going.
I did manage to get to my advising appointment this morning which was, conveniently, all about the WDWCP. I made the appointment at the beginning of the month after my advisor referred me to this other dude who apparently knew all there was to know about the college program. Great! Woo! We’re getting somewhere!
So this morning, I sit down in his office and tell Advisor Dude what I want to talk to him about and he looks at me as if I have forty heads. Then he goes and grabs his WDWCP file, blows off the dust, and shows me that the last entry in it was FROM 2002. SERIOUSLY?!
“Our students just don’t… do this much.” He was all scrutinizing and judgmental, as if wanting to get an internship with the freaking Walt Disney Company was some kind of academic suicide. UM, WHAT?
But then he was all, “Yes, yes, yes… this can probably be done… you might have to do it through the community college,” Again, nose upturned, “But we’ll work something out.” And then he looked a little further in his magic folder and found some instructions for exactly what he was supposed to be telling me. Then he made me leave, and told me to e-mail him with the link to the website I was getting “all this information” from – AKA, the WDWCP website – because apparently, he is incapable of doing a Google search.
In classic future CP fashion, I plastered a smile on my face, thanked him politely and held back any eye-rolling or snide remarks that I would normally be tempted to erupt with. I AM SUCH A NATURAL CAST MEMBER!
Just hoping to have the whole bureaucratic side of this done by the time I go home for winter break, just in case – by some miraculous act of God – applications open before next semester. I’d like to know if I’m getting credit/if I’ll need to pay tuition, etc. But that would require a few more people than me having their acts together, so…
Whatever. Have a magical day and stuff.